Sunday 24 July 2011

Winehouse Dead

I woke up today around 9am, with the sounds of my radio blaring the news that Amy Winehouse was dead.
Am I suprised? I guess not. People speculate. In my case, I knew it wouldn't be long.

I do not feel sorry for her, but maybe that's just me being harsh.
She knew exactly what she was doing, and after being told by many, continued with the drugs.
And now she is dead. The final result.

I never actually liked her music, her voice did nothing for my ears.
But many various people I know did enjoy her work. She gave up alot for her filthy habit.
And this is where we close the curtains, on another 'pop sensation'.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Growing Pains.

Its like a routine, sequencial. I fall, my legs ache, I grow.

Strange to think of it like that, but simply that is what happens to me. Always has, since I was in Primary School. I'd be out on the playground, and I'd fall. I'd get home that night and be awakened by an aching pain in my legs. Then a few days later, my parents would tell me how I've grown. Scary.

Back to today. I'm blogging to complain and moan, basically. I fell up the stairs, sent my food flying. I composed myself and continued to my bedroom. Scraped knees and dirty food. What a mess.